Engaging Customers,
Driving Sales

GSTV is the game-changing forecourt video platform entertaining customers during fuel-up and driving in-store sales for retailers.
With an engaging mix of exclusive content and ads from the biggest brands inside your store, GSTV influences consumer purchase decisions, enhances the fueling experience, and makes you their preferred station.

Your Seamless Forecourt Media Solution
to Drive C-Store Sales

Entertain Your Customers

Our content experience captivates consumers as they fuel their vehicles at your location. Utilize this opportunity to advertise
on-screen and reach your target audience, as 95% of impressions on GSTV deliver eyes-to-screen, commanding more visual attention than digital, CTV, and linear television. 

Partner with Our Creative and Marketing Teams

Our team of professionals works with you to create quick, easy, custom ads to fit your needs and speak directly to your customers.

Drive Immediate Action

67% of fuelers visited the C-store on their most recent visit to the gas station. Your custom-made promotions can be selected monthly and be day-parted to target customers at all hours.

Increase Sales

40% purchased a snack from the C-store today.
Reach your customers with custom messaging and
make this your year of record in-store sales.

Source: GSTV Audience Insights Study via Mfour, 2024; Lumen eye-tracking analysis of on-site GSTV viewership. 

Fueling Your Success

Retailer Promotional Ads

Retailer Promotional Ads (RPAs): Your free monthly custom RPAs play in full-screen video with audio during a fuel transaction to drive consumers from the forecourt into your stores.

Customizable Templates

Select new RPAs to run each month
that are relevant to your business

Day Parting

Promote various products or
services at the right time


A dedicated Retail Success Manager
takes care of everything, end-to-end

Measurable Results

Candy Fanatics

Beverage Consumers

Searching For Energy

Craving Caffeine

Some of Our Convenience and Fuel Retail Partners

Learn More About Partnering with GSTV

Interested in working with us? Submit your information,
and our team will reach out.