GSTV Drove Purchases at C-Stores and Other Stores & Intent to Play in App for State Lottery

Campaign Overview

A state lottery leveraged GSTV to promote their scratch-off games driving lottery ticket purchases among consumers already on the path-to -purchase.

For our measurement approach, mobile surveys were deployed to GSTV-exposed (test) and unexposed (control) fueler panelists during the campaign; test vs. control lift assessed. Our measurement partner was mfour.

Key Results


Reported Purchase at C-Store

(GSTV-exposed vs. control)



Reported Purchase Outside C-Store

(GSTV-exposed vs. control)


Intent to Play Lottery Via App

(GSTV-exposed vs. control)

Source: mfour campaign-exposed / control survey; total respondents: 150e/ 150c.;A18-34:: 82e/82c. results statistically significant at the 80%+ CL.

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