GSTV Drives C-Store Purchases and Intent to Take Action for State Lottery
Written By Erik Akerman
GSTV Drives C-Store Purchases and Intent to Take Action for State Lottery
Written By Erik Akerman
Campaign Overview
A state lottery leverage GSTV to promote their scratch-off game driving lottery ticket purchases & intent to act for the lottery overall.
For our measurement approach, Mobile surveys were deployed to GSTV-exposed (test) and unexposed (control) fueler panelists during the campaign; test vs. control lift assessed. Measured with mfour.

Key Results
C-Store Purchase of Lottery Tickets
(GSTV-Exposed vs. Control)
To Play Lottery via App
(GSTV-Exposed vs. Control)
30-Day Purchase Intent of Scratch-Offs
(GSTV-Exposed vs. Control)
Source: mfour campaign-exposed / control survey; total respondents: 149e/ 150c.; results statistically significant at the 90% CL.