GSTV Proves That Strong Call to Action is Effective for Driving Dealer Service Sales

Campaign Overview

A domestic OEM used data-driven audience optimization capabilities at GSTV to test the impact of different creative messages on existing customer conversion for dealership service.

For our measurement approach, Mobile IDs were connected to client’s CRM and used to establish GSTV-exposed and unexposed customer groups; dealership conversion compared to assess lift. Measured with Acxiom.

Key Results


Higher Lift in Customer Payments

Via Creative Featuring Rebate Offering (vs. Generic Messaging)



Greater ROAS

Via Creative Featuring Rebate Offering (vs. Generic Messaging)


Source: Acxiom campaign analysis. Results statistically significant at the 90%+ CL.


GSTV Drives Unaided Awareness and Positive Brand Perceptions for Aftermarket Advertiser


GSTV Drove More than 1MM Visits For a National CDR