Celebrating Those that Work 24/7

Every year on July 24th, the convenience community take the time to celebrate and recognize first responders, medical personnel, and American Red Cross volunteers who work in our communities to make sure that people don’t face emergencies alone. This event, known as 24/7 Day, was started by the NACS Foundation a few years ago and has grown to 30,000 participating stores nationwide.  

“C-stores are the heart of our communities. From crisis to celebrations, convenience stores are steadfast institutions, much like our first responders. Retailers are hubs of connection, disaster relief, and a place of respite to grab snacks and beverages during late-night or early-morning shifts.” - Dan Trotzer, EVP Industry 

To underscore the importance and power of c-stores in local communities, Tank Sinatra, founder of Tank’s Good News, shared his own history. In a recent interview with the NACS Convenience Matters Podcast, hosted by Jeff Lenard, he discusses how he relied on c-stores and even got his internet career started at his local 7-11:  

“My whole life has revolved around convenience stores in one way or another... When I was selling fence... I was in 7-11 parking lots, Speedway, QuickChek...25% of the day. That’s where I would sit and collect myself. And when I started doing the memes, that’s where it happened, really.” 

GSTV is honored to be the official media partner for this initiative, and every year, we strive to spread the message of giving back and honoring our heroes using the power of our network. This year, we enlisted the help of Tank to spread some good news and get the message out about 24/7 Day. 

Recognize the first responders in your community and check out the list of all participating partners and their offers. 

GSTV is proud to support many important causes like 24/7 Day. From our partnership with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children to FEMA, our team values giving back to our communities and sharing messages for public good. Learn more about our CSR efforts here.


GSTV Partners with Streets are for Everyone to Bring Students’ Award-Winning Films on Road Safety to Audiences at Fuel Retailers


NACS: Let’s Spread Some Positive News - Episode 449