NACS: GSTV Partners With SAFE

The partnership with Streets Are For Everyone highlights student films on road safety.


August is National Traffic Awareness Month, and GSTV is partnering with non-profit organization Streets Are For Everyone (SAFE) to bring excerpts of award-winning student films themed around road safety to a national audience through its platform.

SAFE aims to improve the quality of life for pedestrians, bicyclists, and drivers alike by reducing traffic fatalities to zero. The Streets, Art, SAFE Film Competition is a program for high school students that advocates for street safety through the arts. The program aims to educate and empower students to do something about street safety through creative, fun, artistic and impactful visual storytelling, while also developing film and visual arts expertise…Read more.


Sharing the Road: National Traffic Awareness Month 


NextTV: GSTV Brings Student Road Safety Films to Gas Pumps