NextTV: GSTV Brings Student Road Safety Films to Gas Pumps

Winners of high-school competition to be featured

Fueling up for National Traffic Awareness Month in August, GSTV has worked with Streets Are For Everyone (SAFE) to bring clips of award-winning student films about road safety to thousands of gas pumps around the country.

“We look forward to showcasing and amplifying the work of these talented young filmmakers through our platform in partnership  with Streets Are For Everyone,” said Kristina Lutz, executive VP, marketing at GSTV. “Their work is compelling and impactful, and introducing this content to drivers when they are just about to get back on the road is the perfect time to remind them about safety precautions.” 

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NACS: GSTV Partners With SAFE


GSTV Partners with Streets are for Everyone to Bring Students’ Award-Winning Films on Road Safety to Audiences at Fuel Retailers