Building Sustainable Incremental Reach

Connecting with unduplicated viewers at scale has become a complex challenge in recent years. Even as total consumer time spent with media grows, share of time spent with ad-supported media continues to erode:

And factors including churn, accessibility, and overall ad avoidance hinder CTV’s ability to reliably reach incremental audiences:

As consumer habits and the media landscape continue to evolve, marketers must find new ways to consistently and efficiently deliver video messaging to unique viewers who are growing more sophisticated at tuning out advertising.

GSTV offers endemic engagement with consumers in a distraction- free, non-skippable environment – and adds incremental reach to any media mix:

Sources: PQ Media via MediaPost, “Time Spent with Media Continues to Grow...”, 4/7/2023. Madison & Wall, “New Netflix Data: Implications for Subscriber and Ad-Free TV Consumption Trends,” 5/18/2023., “2023 Annual Streaming Media Report: The Year of Churn,” 3/15/2023. Comscore total cross- platform reach analysis, May 2022. Foursquare campaign-level cross-platform reach analysis. Nielsen, Comscore audience measurement.


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