GSTV Campaign Significantly Increased Reception of Public Safety Messaging
Written By Paulina Saracco
GSTV Campaign Significantly Increased Reception of Public Safety Messaging
Written By Paulina Saracco
Campaign Overview
GSTV worked with a department of the US government to deliver a national campaign targeting young men, with the goal of persuading them to follow safe driving practices.
For our measurement approach, mobile surveys were deployed to GSTV-exposed (test) and unexposed (control) fueler panelists during the campaign; test vs. control lift assessed. Our measurement partner was mfour.

Key Results
Intent to Drive Safely
among key demographic
Intent to Wear a Seatbelt
among key demographic
Source: mfour campaign-exposed / control survey; A18-49 respondents: 137e/126c; results statistically significant at the 80%+ CL.