GSTV Drove Reported Purchases for a CPG snack maker

GSTV Drove Reported Purchases for a CPG snack maker

Campaign Overview

A snack manufacturer leveraged GSTV to promote availability of back-to-school snacks at a preferred retailer, showcasing CSR initiatives via a plan targeting mothers in proximity to the named retailer.

Mobile surveys were deployed to GSTV-exposed (test) and unexposed (control) fueler panelists during the campaign; lift assessed among test vs. control respondents.

Key Results


Reported Purchase at Preferred Retailer

(GSTV-Exposed vs. Control)



Reported Purchase at Another Store

(GSTV-Exposed vs. Control)

Q3 2024; n= 150 test respondents; 150 control respondents; results statistically significant at the 90%+ CL.

GSTV Increased Product Sales for an energy drink brand


GSTV Drove Awareness and Trial for a snack kit product