GSTV Drove Key Brand Metrics for a Specialty Retailer
Written By Erik Akerman
GSTV Drove Key Brand Metrics for a Specialty Retailer
Written By Erik Akerman
Campaign Overview
A national retail chain servicing the rural lifestyle optimized its GSTV plan toward DIYers and dog owners, leveraging different creatives to drive brand equity among each audience.
For our measurement approach, mobile surveys were deployed to GSTV-exposed (test) and unexposed (control) fueler panelists during the campaign; test vs. control lift assessed. Our measurement partner was mfour.

Key Results
Brand Awareness
(GSTV-exposed vs. control)
Message Association
(GSTV-exposed vs. control)
Brand Favorability
(GSTV-exposed vs. control)
Source: Mfour mobile survey, A18-34 campaign-exposed (n=64) vs. A18-34 unexposed (n=64). Results statistically significant at 80%/90%+ CL