GSTV Significantly Impacts Awareness of a Cash-Back Credit Card
Written By Erik Akerman
GSTV Significantly Impacts Awareness of a Cash-Back Credit Card
Written By Erik Akerman
Campaign Overview
A major credit card provider used GSTV’s programmatic network to promote gas and retail cash-back rewards, and drive consideration to apply among non-users.
For our measurement approach, Mobile surveys were deployed to GSTV-exposed (test) and unexposed (control) fueler panelists during the campaign; test vs. control lift assessed. Measured with mfour.

Key Results
Unaided Brand Awareness
(GSTV-Exposed vs. Control)
Cash-Back Category Recall
(GSTV-Exposed vs. Control)
Application Consideration
(GSTV-Exposed vs. Control)
Source: mfour campaign-exposed / control survey; total respondents: Total respondents: 200e/200c; Non-Owners: 168c/153e.; results are statistically significant at the 95%+ CL.