GSTV Drives Message Linkage, Purchase, and Future Intent for Snack Kit Brand

GSTV Drives Message Linkage, Purchase, and Future Intent for Snack Kit Brand

Campaign Overview

A leading snack pack brand leveraged a programmatic campaign on GSTV to promote their snack kit and drive sales at retail.

For our measurement approach, Mobile surveys were deployed to GSTV-exposed (test) and unexposed (control) fueler panelists during the campaign; test vs. control lift assessed. Measured with mfour.

Key Results


Message Linkage to Brand

(GSTV-Exposed vs. Control)



30-Day Purchase Intent

(GSTV-Exposed vs. Control)


Reported Purchase

(GSTV-Exposed vs. Control)


Source: Mfour mobile survey, campaign-exposed (n=150) vs. unexposed (n=150). Results statistically significant at 95%+ CL


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